Broken Blood vessels and redness

There are many different causes of vessel damage to the face, including both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Sun damage is the main cause followed by inflammation which causes the vessels to dilate and therefore rise to the surface.


Laser Limelight is an IPL based laser which uses multiple wavelengths of light to remove brown and red pigmentation on any part of the body. Limelight is the gold standard when it comes to removing pigmentation on the skin. By using multiple wavelengths it attracts the haemoglobin and melanin within the skin to remove excess pigmentation.


The Cutera ExcelV delivers a form of technology that can create denaturation to veins in the legs and face. Most forms of veins can be treated except for varicose veins. It works by delivering extreme heat into the vein. The laser light is attracted to the haemoglobin in the blood which then causes this vein to rupture or coagulate. The body will then reabsorb this and remove accordingly. Most clients will require up to 6 treatments for full removal of the vein.

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The Manor Medical Aesthetics Team offers consultation and education sessions.

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